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Panic Disorders
A person with a panic disorder will often have overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety which will at times become full blown panic attacks. This is when a person hyperventilates, can feel as though they are out of body and looking

CBT is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. CBT theory suggests that our thoughts, emotions, body sensations, and behaviour are all connected, and that what we think and do affects the way we feel. It deals with identifying a client’s negative belief systems and

The Anger Iceberg
The Anger Iceberg reminds us that when we are feeling angry we are often protecting ourselves from other emotions. Anger is a useful tool as it is full of energy which helps us to act and it keeps others away from

Clues That You May Have Complex PTSD
Some people who have Complex PTSD often do not know that they have it because so much of their emotional life and bodily sensations have been suppressed. Here are some subtle clues that might point to CPTSD: Body You may find

Chronic People Pleasing
People pleasers put others before themselves and consider their own needs last, if at all. Often, children are not permitted to be themselves, perhaps their parents are abusive or just do not accept their child for who they are. This results

Understanding Anger
“The average adult experiences anger about once a day and becomes annoyed or peeved about three times a day.” What is Anger? Anger is one of our natural inbuilt ‘mammalian’ defences which is designed to keep us safe from danger. Anger

Narcissism and Archetypes
One of the interesting things about those with narcissistic personality disorder is that many of their behaviours are so similar and universal. This could be explained by the concept of archetypes. An archetype can be defined as “forms or images of

The International Trauma Questionnaire
The International Trauma Questionnaire focuses on defining whether a person has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which consists of: Re-experiencing in the here and now Avoidance Sense of current threat or Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which also includes: Affective dysregulation Negative

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to adapt physically to new information and grow new neural pathways. It is how we learn. The brain can form new neurons (any of the impulse-conducting cells that constitute the brain, spinal column, and